Like any radioamateur would know, that his antennas are essential when practicing the radio hobby. Unfortunately, the “wonder” antenna that is suitable for all amateur bands is not yet available. Till then we will need to use multiple antennas for the differend amateur frequencies.
Telescope antenna (Scanner)
When I started with the radio hobby, I had enough of a sliding antenna (+/- 100cm) mounted on my scanner. And that went well, then. I did not make such high demands yet. And after all, what I listened (mainly aviation) was fine with this antenna.
A little later, when I was busy transmitting via the 27mc (11m), I also needed another antenna. Because I lived in a flat and an antenna on the roof was not an option. So I chose for an antenna on my balcony (this was the Sirio Boomerang). This is an aluminum antenna with a fiberglass countercapacity, which is mounted under an angle underneath the antenna. And on the other side of the balcony, I had my scanner antenna (the Sirio 1300N)
Sirio Boomerang (27mc)
iMax 2000 (27mc), Sirio 1300N
and the active HF antenna (scanner)
These antennas worked very well. However, the flat was shielding a lot of signals. Only signal from the South-west were coming in. I actually wanted more. That’s why I applied to the Owners Association (from our flat) for mid-2009 to put an antenna(s) on the roof. After much discussion, I got permission in early May 2011. And together with my colleague I put a nice collection of antennas at the end of June 2011. For example, an iMax 2000 (27mc), Sirio 1300n (scanner, which was earlier on my balcony) and an active HF antenna (scanner).
This worked perfectly. Until the Sirio didn’t work anymore. Later that proved to be a defect in the antenna itself. Therefore, it was replaced in March 2012 for a Sigma Scan King 1500n (also for the scanner).
iMax 2000, Scan King 1500
and the HF Actieve HF antenne
Because I was already busy with getting my amateur license (which I did not have at that time), I immediately hung a combi antenna for 2m and 70cm. Who also participated in the first time as a scanner antenna.
This configuration is still on the roof today (October 2015). However, I have a HyEndFed (wire antenna) 10/15/20/40 / 80m attached. The iMax 2000 is no longer used for the 27mc. But for 10, 12 and 15.
The iMax2000 will soon need to be replaced. Because the wind has had a nice grip on the antenna. There is a nod in the first segment. But like other amateurs, I have a chronic lack of time and money 😉
HyEndfed 10/15/20/40/80 (seen from south to north)
HyEndfed 10/15/20/40/80 (Seen from northeast to southwesth)
UPDATE September 2017:
I finally replaced my antennas. It took awhile, to choose to right antennas for my situation.
My new antenna setup.
From left to right:
- Diamond X50 (dual band 2m/70cm)
- Falcon OUT-250F (Fibreglass vertical 80-6m)
- Diamond X300 (dual band 2m/70cm)
- AOR 7000 (scanner antenna, 100kHz to 2GHz)
- HyEndFed (wire antenna, 80-10m)
I’m happy with this new arrangement.